Catholic Game night : Monday, June 10, at 7 pm in the Discipleship Center. Come out for our first game night of Catholic Trivia. Doors open at 6:45; game starts at 7:00. Bathing Toiletries for Harry Thompson center : The KC Ladies Auxiliary will be collecting bathing toiletries for the Harry Thompson center. There will be collection boxes at all entrances to the church, this weekend June 8 & 9. Click this box for full details of both these events
The Semi-annual Five Day St. Jude Novena of Hope will take place at St. Mary Magdalen Church from June 3 - June 7, 2024. The Rosary, Novena Prayers and Confession will be offered daily beginning at 11:45 a.m. The Rosary, Novena Prayers, Confession, and Mass will be offered nightly beginning at 6:00 p.m. Click on this box for full details.
After 42 years of service, our music director Mark Schluter retired. We thank him for enhancing our liturgies and celebrations with the gift of music. We also bid farewell to the SMM Youth Choir who sang their final Mass at St. Mary Magdalen at on May 19, 2024. , Their talents will be greatly missed. CLICK ON THIS BOX FOR A TRIBUTE TO MARK AND THE YOUTH CHOIR AND LINK TO PICTURES. We will take this opportunity to initiate a QUIET MASS for those who desire a low-sensory atmosphere. The quiet 8:30 a.m. Mass will begin on Sunday, May 26, 2024.
The Knights of Columbus Ladies' Auxiliary will be collecting diapers & baby wipes for Catholic Charities' Access Pregnancy Center of Metairie at ALL Masses the weekend of May 18-19. Parishioners are asked to donate diapers, wipes or gift cards.
Come and Join in the Fun! Sunday, May 19, 2024, in Massett Hall cafeteria. Doors open at 2PM and game starts at 2:30PM . Cost is $5 and 1 unexpired food item for Social Apostolate. Soft drinks and water will be provided. Bring your favorite party food to share. Must be 21 to play.
In preparation for Pentecost Sunday on May 19th, all are invited to pray the powerful Novena to the Holy Spirit after the 8:30 a.m. weekday Mass in the chapel. The Novena starts on Friday, May 10th and ends Saturday, May 18th. You can also say the novena prayers on your own. Novena pamphlets can be found at all Church entrances.