Please bring your donations and leave them in the closet in the Cardinal Street entrance. Thank you! For list of food items most needed please click in box.
Come join the Adult Faith Formation Team on Monday mornings in October as we learn about Mary, the Mother of God. The four free sessions on October 2, 9, 16, and 23, from 9:15am-10:30am. The October 9th session will take place in the chapel. Please RSVP Judith Scholzen; click on window to get contact information.
Hope you like the new website. Here are some tips to make it better and easier to use. There is a lot more information to obtain by highlighting with your mouse or cursor and clicking. SO MOVE YOUR MOUSE TO WITHIN THIS BOX FOR EXAMPLES.
As St. Mary Magdalen prepares to celebrate Respect Life month in October, we are refreshing the Pro-Life Corner of the Church. The Children’s Corner bookcase will be removed, and the children’s books will be relocated to a basket in the corner of the chapel near the stairwell entrance, with more changes to take place over the coming weeks. Please bear with us as we redesign and refocus this portion of our church to bear witness to Christ’s message of love for one another.