Consecrate Yourself to Jesus through Mother Mary WHY : St. Alphonsus says “You’ll be assured of salvation, if you come back to God the same way he cameto you, through Mary”. These are difficult times—we need Mary to help us—to intercede for us, to “mother” us. How do we let her do that—by allowing Mary to bring us to Jesus . How? By “consecrating” ourselves to Jesus through Mary Pope St. John Paul ‘s motto is “Totus Tuus”—that is I am all yours Mary, and everything I have is yours. She will never fail us, forget us, abandon us, or forsake us. Mary will never break our trust-- Our abandonment to the one who always perfectly lives in accord with the will of God. The fastest way to Jesus is through Mary. HOW do you consecrate yourself to Jesus through Mary? According to St. Louis DeMontfort—we prepare to consecrate ourselves by a 33-Day Preparation and end with “Consecration” on a feast day of Mary. Marian Servants of Our Father’s Love invite you join in the Consecration Preparation by using Fr. Boniface Hicks book “The Fruit of Her Womb”. You can do on your own or join us to watch videos weekly by Fr. Boniface Hicks. Start Date: November 5 End Date: Sunday, Dec. 8 Feast of Immaculate Conception To do as a group: Where: Discipleship Center 9:30am – 10:45am (Rosary to follow if you can stay) When: 9:30 - 10:45 AM Every Tuesday starting 11/5 Video and Discussion on the book (Rosary to follow if you can stay) We will have a “group consecration prayer” on December 8 after 10:30 mass in SMM Church. For more information contact Patsy Ricau at 504-813-4327.