This is a new ministry merging "Catholic Game Night" and "Adult Bunco" together. The goal of this ministry is to foster fellowship, offer opportunities to socialize, and even have a little fun for our parishioners. This ministry is made up of smaller independent sub-groups / ministries who accomplish these events. At present, these include "Adult Bunco", "Catholic Game Night" and "Ladies Auxiliary Ministry". There is no limit to how many fellowship and fun activities we can have in our parish. If you have an idea for an event and would like to form a sub-group to accomplish it or just want to or help on-going activities contact Bernie Regel at [email protected]
Upcoming events include :
Next Adult Bunco will be at St Matthew Church onSunday Oct. 6. Doors open at 2PM and game starts at 2:30 PM. Cost is $5. Soft drinks and water provided. Please bring your own party food to share. Must be 21 to play. This will probably be the last one this year.
Next Catholic Game Night is Monday Nov 4. Catholic Bingo is the game. More information to come.