This is a new ministry merging "Catholic Game Night" and "Adult Bunco" together. The goal of this ministry is to foster fellowship, offer opportunities to socialize, and even have a little fun for our parishioners. This ministry is made up of smaller independent sub-groups / ministries who accomplish these events. At present, these include "Adult Bunco", "Catholic Game Night" and "Ladies Auxiliary Ministry". There is no limit to how many fellowship and fun activities we can have in our parish. If you have an idea for an event and would like to form a sub-group to accomplish it or just want to know more or help on-going activities contact Bernie Regel at [email protected] .
During the year, St Mary Magdalen and St Matthew, working together, alternate dates to provide fellowship and fun playing Bunco (or some say Bonco). Since 2019, Leaders Stacy & Tony Pecoraro and Bernie and the late Gayle Regel, with Joe and Nancy Dicharry, Lynette Driscoll, Alisa Gomez ( who has a nephew in St Therese), Babette Staunton, and BJ Paretti have brought Bunco fun for all to our parish and food and money to the Social Apostolate.
Next Adult Bunco will be at St Matthew Church on Sunday Oct. 6. Doors open at 2PM and game starts at 2:30 PM. Cost is $5. Soft drinks and water provided. Please bring your own party food to share. Must be 21 to play. This will probably be the last one this year.
Below are links to photos from previous games this year:This is a brand new ministry that combines fellowship and fun while teaching us more about our faith. The first Game night was Catholic Trivia (thank you to St Matthew for sharing) on June 10, while the second one was Catholic Card Game on Aug. 19. There were raffle prizes and free drinks and snack. Food and money were collected for Social Apostolate. Deacon Jim Heneghan, Babette Staunton, Stacy and Tony Pecoraro, Elizabeth Angell, Mari Steen, and Bernie Regel brought game night to the parish.
Catholic Trivia Night was a tight match with "Bible Belt Sista's" winning and they won gift cards to Stone Creamery. Deacon Jim "Sajak" was an awesome host. There were even a few teachers from St Therese attending. Catholic Card Night created a roomful of raucous laughter while teaching us more about a faith. Many of the parishioners went out and bought the card game on-line to play in their homes with family and friends after. Below are links to photos from previous game nights:
Catholic Card Game Night Photo Album LINKNext Catholic Game Night is Monday Nov 4. Catholic Bingo is the game
During the year this ministry hosts "Sit and Paint" events where parishioners create works of art. They host ice cream socials and have coffee and donuts after mass. Every year they bring Santa and the Easter Bunny for a visit and to hang out with our kids and have pictures. To see more about these events and about the ministry click link to Ladies Auxiliary