From ancient times individuals preparing to become Catholic were called Catechumens. The same title is used today, for those seeking the Catholic faith. Catechumens are included in the community of faith as associate members, joining in their prayer and celebration, but not the sacraments. The period of preparation, now as in ancient times, includes study of the principles of the faith and the traditions of the church. Just as important in our contemporary church is the incorporation of the catechumen in the community of the church.
(1) Persons, unbaptized, who have no church affiliation, but seek faith in God.
(2) Persons, baptized, with a former church affiliation; but now seeking a new faith.
(3) Persons, baptized as Catholics, and yet practicing their faith very little; but now seek a renewed faith.
(4) Persons, baptized and practicing their Catholic faith, but now seeking enrichment of their knowledge of their faith.
If you or anyone you know seeks full participation in our Catholic Faith, you or they can become a Catechumen - an honored and cherished associate member of our Church, in formation to be accepted into the church at Easter.
Please call Melanie Gaumond, Director of Religious Education, at 504-766-8163 or email [email protected] for further information or to register.
The Marian Servants® is a community based Public Association of the Christian Faithful. The founding community formed in 1987 in Clearwater, FL, with our local community established in 2007. Our Mission is to bring Catholic Christians to a deeper understanding of their vocation and mission in Christ, in the Church, and in the world. Our spirituality is Marian—seeking to emulate Mary’s virtues of holiness, obedience, and service; it is also charismatic—with a special devotion to the Holy Spirit, with openness to His gifts. Membership is open to Catholics in good standing with the Catholic Church. The chapter located at SMM is the Marian Servants® of Our Father's Love which meets on Tuesdays from 9:30AM-12Noon. Anyone interested in learning more about the Marian Servants® may contact Patsy Ricau [email protected]
We are excited to have Come, Lord Jesus! Bible study groups within our church parish community. The groups gather weekly to study the upcoming Sunday Readings in a comfortable prayerful environment for an experience that will bless the life and revive the Catholic faith of its members.
Anyone interested in joining is welcome to meet to study, discuss and meditate upon the Sunday Gospels. Please consider meeting weekly with a small faith community. For more information contact one of the three contacts below depending on your day and time preference :
Tuesday evening 6-7:30 pm Buzzy Gianelloni [email protected]
Wednesday morning 10-11:30 pm Susan Gaillot [email protected]
Thursday evening 6-7:30 pm Charlie O’Malley [email protected]