SMM Technology Team As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10
If God has gifted you with a talent for technology, please consider becoming a founding member of the SMM Technology Team. The goal of this ministry is to use current technological advances to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to all our parishioners and eventually to the broader community. One of the first tasks of the Tech Team will be to set up a parish-based method of live-streaming and recording Masses and other church presentations. (During the pandemic we used Fr. Chris’s YouTube channel, but we have not moved beyond that to create a parish platform for streaming/recording Masses.) Once a method has been created, Tech Team members will be responsible for implementing the program and ensuring that it runs efficiently in order to meet the needs of our parishioners. If you are gifted in technology and feel the call to serve God’s people at SMM, please contact the parish office at 504-733-0922 or [email protected].