This November, in anticipation of Global Giving Day which marks the beginning of the charitable giving season, St. Mary Magdalen is celebrating SMM Giving Day on the weekend of November 23-24, 2024. We ask you, as good stewards, to prayerfully consider a generous donation to St. Mary Magdalen Parish to purchase a new permanent sign for the front of the church on West Metairie Avenue. Envelopes for SMM Giving Day may be found at all church entrances the weekend of November 16th-17th. Your tax-deductible donation may be placed in the second collection on November 23rd-24th, brought to the parish office, or contributed through online giving on the parish website. Your contributions will be gratefully accepted throughout the month of December. Please include your name or regular envelope number for tax purposes. SMM Giving Day ensures that your entire donation will benefit St. Mary Magdalen Church.